Part of why I gravitate towards toys is as a way of “time travel.” I’m not thiking of time travel as physical/actual/full, but as a way of shifting attention. When I was in High School, I was additected to video games. I spent days playing games from the Total War franchise. There was something which drew me to this constructed and immersive history. Having some kind of practice which could pull me out of it, and start considering something else was the first step. For me, some of this process was through dance and meditation, through a connection with and awerness for physical sensations. This is difficult when I am creating a website like this. It has been a few days since I “completed” this website/thesis. And, I am already forgetting how obsessively I was drawn into it when I was actively creating it. I felt lsot in my computer/virtual world. Now, this feels faint. But, on the topic of toys, and on the question why I started some of the work you see on this website: it has been a part of my personal healing process of not getting lost in my own fantasies. This is what I think the added value of this website is. I designed some of the pages so to be a little whimsical and fleeting, so it becomes difficult for myself to get lost in it. And, I think that there is something here which I hope to explore more. When to let go? When not to strive for perfection? What dos listening mean?