This website is created by Jhor van der Horst. This text is written by Jhor van der Horst. I find it important to acknowledge some of the identities which I hold. I have understood the importance of positionality statements to be both public and private. On the one hand, I hope that naming my identities will help others spot oversights in my thoughts/actions/creations/... On the other hand, I use it as a tool to further understand myself, and work on growing as a person.
Firstly, for the purposes of this website, I want to name that I am a bachelor student at Princeton University. This work is shaped by my experiences at the institution. During the 4.5 years I spend at the University, I switched majors (either officially or unofficially) from Dance to Physics to Math to Economics to Philosophy to Visual Art. I understand this as representative of a fascination with conceptual frameworks. Though I see value in the explorion and comparison of different epistemological positions, I also notice that in my story, this fascination reveals a youthfulness.
I am 22 years old. Also, I am a white, AMAB, college-educated, bi/pan man, raised in an upper-middle-class family in the Netherlands. Holding those identities, compounding factors of privilege have allowed me to wander. This website undoubtedly represents this. Sometimes, I wonder whether
Firstly, for the purposes of this website, I want to name that I am a bachelor student at Princeton University. This work is shaped by my experiences at the institution. During the 4.5 years I spend at the University, I switched majors (either officially or unofficially) from Dance to Physics to Math to Economics to Philosophy to Visual Art. I understand this as representative of a fascination with conceptual frameworks. Though I see value in the explorion and comparison of different epistemological positions, I also notice that in my story, this fascination reveals a youthfulness.
I am 22 years old. Also, I am a white, AMAB, college-educated, bi/pan man, raised in an upper-middle-class family in the Netherlands. Holding those identities, compounding factors of privilege have allowed me to wander. This website undoubtedly represents this. Sometimes, I wonder whether